Ashley Prentice Norton, THE CHOCOLATE MONEY

Published: April 10, 2020, 9 a.m.

b'Ashley Prentice Norton is the author of novels The Chocolate Money and If You Left.\\xa0Ashley and I discussed both her books during this interview!\\xa0The Chocolate Money\\xa0(which I read years ago at a book club I was in!)\\xa0follows a dysfunctional family dynamic (and is almost a memoir). If You Left\\xa0deals with a\\xa0privileged but damaged Manhattan wife whose marriage is threatened. Ashley bravely talked about her struggles with depression, enduring\\xa0electric shock therapy and continuing to write throughout. We discussed the flawed notion that manic depression leads to a creative life and how to deal with the worries that constantly seems to be surrounding us. I loved hearing about Ashley\'s creative process and her feeling that "timed writing" is the best way to write.

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