Ava Chin, MOTT STREET: A Chinese American Family's Story of Exclusion and Homecoming

Published: July 26, 2023, 4 a.m.


Zibby speaks to award-winning writer Ava Chin about Mott Street: A Chinese American Family\\u2019s Story of Exclusion and Homecoming, a gorgeously written, deeply researched, and intimate portrayal of the Chinese Exclusion Act and her family\\u2019s epic journey to lay down roots in America. Ava shares how this book came to be \\u2013 from collecting family stories since she was a child, to traveling to Shanghai on a Fulbright to investigate her village, to putting piles and piles of notes into book form. She also talks about her job as a professor of creative writing, the pains of audiobook recording, and her best advice for aspiring writers.  

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