Emi Nietfeld, ACCEPTANCE: A Memoir

Published: Aug. 10, 2023, 4 a.m.


Zibby speaks to debut author Emi Nietfeld about Acceptance, a gripping, page-turning, and darkly humorous memoir about a life that took her from homelessness and foster care to Harvard and Google. Emi describes the chaos that ensued after her parents\\u2019 divorce\\u2013from her mother\\u2019s compulsive hoarding to her own mental health crisis and hospitalization. She also shares what it was like when her father came out as trans in the early 2000s in a very religious family (Emi was a state bible champion!). Finally, she discusses the absurdities of the college admissions process, the culture shock she experienced at Harvard, and her hopes of starting a family soon!

Purchase on Bookshop: https://bit.ly/43WrTwU

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