Mary Beth Keane, ASK AGAIN, YES

Published: May 28, 2020, 9 a.m.


Mary Beth Keane\'s most recent novel, Ask Again, Yes, is a New York Times best-seller and The Tonight Show Summer Reads Pick. She has authored two other books, was named one of the National Book Foundation\'s "5 Under 35," and was awarded a John Simon Guggenheim fellowship for fiction writing. Mary Beth and I talked about the moving moving themes in her novel: forgiveness and sacrifice, depression and masking fear, and how we protect ourselves and the people we love. Centered around two neighboring families in a New York City suburb in the 1970s, I\'ve heard her describe\\xa0Ask Again, Yes\\xa0as\\xa0Romeo and Juliet,\\xa0if the families had to hang out forever.\\xa0It\'s a must-read!

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