After US Pullout From Afghanistan, Joel C. Rosenberg Sees Alliances Shift in Middle East

Published: Sept. 24, 2021, 7 a.m.


Involvement in the Middle East has been a large part of U.S. foreign policy for generations. President after president has had to take the multifaceted and complex web of alliances and relationships in the Middle East into account as they navigated policy in the region.

But after President Joe Biden withdrew U.S. forces from Afghanistan in neighboring south Central Asia, the balance of power in the Middle East underwent a major shift. America\\u2019s departure from the region resulted in a number of important geopolitical ramifications and strategic reorientations.

Joel C. Rosenberg, an American-Israeli communications strategist and author of the new book "Enemies and Allies: An Unforgettable Journey Inside the Fast-Moving & Immensely Turbulent Modern Middle East," has spent years learning the ins and outs of Middle Eastern politics.

His new book includes interviews with Middle Eastern leaders, including Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and long-time Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to get their views on the future of the Middle East with a less-present United States.

One point of concern is Iran. The Saudis "see Iran the way Israel sees Iran, which is, the people are great, the leadership is evil, and the leadership is trying to build nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them," Rosenberg says.

Rosenberg joins "The Daily Signal Podcast" to discuss his new book and the implications of America\'s withdrawal from Afghanistan, as well to explain the ongoing realignment between Arab states and Israel against Iran.

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