Arrest Me!: Mom Challenges Attorney General's Call for Probing Threats to School Boards

Published: Oct. 8, 2021, 7 a.m.


Rhode Island mom Nicole Solas says she is just one of many parents \\u201cwith legitimate concerns about our kids\\u2019 education.\\u201d

Solas drew national attention earlier this year when her local school board in South Kingstown, R.I., threatened to sue her over public record requests she made to learn what her local school district was teaching students. The school board ultimately opted against taking legal action against her. 

But Solas made headlines again in August, when a teachers union, the National Education Association Rhode Island, filed a lawsuit against her over the records requests. 

Solas made the requests to determine whether her child would be taught about gender identity and critical race theory ideology, two controversial issues that have led to an increase in parental attendance at school board meetings across the country this year. 

Parents \\u201csimply want to know what their kids are learning, and they want to have a say if what their kids are learning is not appropriate,\\u201d she says. 

Solas is actively speaking out against Attorney General Merrick Garland\'s order to the FBI and federal prosecutors to meet with federal, state, and local leaders to look into a \\u201cdisturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence\\u201d allegedly being made against \\u201cschool administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.\\u201d 

Garland\\u2019s directive came less than a week after the National Association of School Boards asked President Joe Biden for assistance looking into whether threats against school board members and other school leaders could be classified as "domestic terrorism.\\u201d

Solas joins \\u201cThe Daily Signal Podcast\\u201d to share her personal story of speaking out against her local school board, and to discuss Garland\\u2019s order. 

We also cover these stories:

  • Congress reaches an agreement to raise the debt ceiling.
  • Former President Donald Trump asks a federal judge to order Facebook to reinstate his account.
  • Texas will appeal a federal judge\'s injunction against the state\\u2019s pro-life Heartbeat Act.

Enjoy the show!

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