Data Shows COVID-19 Vaccines Are Safe, Effective, Says Researcher

Published: Aug. 20, 2021, 7 a.m.


Mixed messages about COVID-19 from the media, politicians, and public heath officials have left many Americans questioning what information they can trust. 

Across the nation, some political leaders and health experts continue to push for individuals to be vaccinated. We now know, however, that those who are vaccinated still may be infected by the coronavirus and contract COVID-19, although they remain far less likely to be hospitalized or die than those who are unvaccinated and contract COVID-19.

Vaccination data tells a positive story and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should relay all the facts to Americans, says Kevin Dayaratna, who is principal statistician, data scientist, and research fellow at The Heritage Foundation, parent organization of The Daily Signal.

\\u201cThe safety and the efficacy of the vaccines was tested last year. And we are continuing to see data and there are overall overwhelmingly no serious effects,\\u201d he says.

Dayaratna and Norbert Michel, director of Heritage\\u2019s Center for Data Analysis, just released a new report examining the effectiveness of the vaccines against the delta variant. The report, \\u201cA Statistical Analysis of COVID-19 Breakthrough Infections and Deaths,\\u201d dives deep into the data and facts about the spread of the virus and the efficacy of the vaccines. 

Dayaratna joins \\u201cThe Daily Signal Podcast\\u201d to explain what you need to know. 

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  • The Department of Education announced it was cancelling student loans for over 300,000 disabled Americans.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
