GOP Presidential Hopefuls React to Trump Indictment, Target Sales Slump, Obama Thoughts and Prayers Hypocrisy | August 16

Published: Aug. 16, 2023, 8:42 p.m.


TOP NEWS | On today\\u2019s Daily Signal Top News, we break down:

  • Politicians and pundits are reacting to Donald Trump\\u2019s latest indictment from Fulton County, Georgia
  • Pence insisted Trump is \\u201centitled to the presumption of innocence.\\u201d
  • DeSantis said the indictment represents the \\u201ccriminalization of politics.\\u201d
  • Hans Von Spakovsky called it \\u201can assault on our democratic republic and the rule of law.\\u201d
  • Target sales slumped after the Pride merchandise backlash
  • Muslims attacked churches in Pakistan after reports of blasphemy
  • President Obama offered \\u201cthoughts and prayers\\u201d to Hawaii victims after he previously criticized Americans for offering \\u201cthoughts and prayers\\u201d after mass shootings
  • A Capitol Research Center report shows how nonprofits become political tools to win elections.

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