How Christians Should Respond to Transgenderism

Published: Aug. 22, 2023, 7 a.m.


How does a church community respond when someone comes through the doors who identifies as transgender, or who is struggling with his or her gender identity? What does a response of love look like?

According to author-lawyer John Bursch, the \\u201cvery first response is accompaniment.\\u201d 

\\u201cJust like anybody who is suffering in any situation, whether it be a physical situation, a life situation, a mental health issue, to love is to accompany someone, to walk with them, to support them,\\u201d says Bursch, author of the new book \\u201cLoving God\\u2019s Children: The Church and Gender Ideology.\\u201d 

Loving someone \\u201cdoesn\'t mean giving them support without giving them the truth," he says, because \\u201ctrue love is not just ignoring the deeper stuff and putting a Band-Aid on the surface.\\u201d

Bursch, vice president of appellate advocacy and senior counsel at the Christian legal organization Alliance Defending Freedom, joins \\u201cThe Daily Signal Podcast\\u201d to explain the practical ways churches can love those who struggle with gender identity, and what theology and science teach us about human sexuality.

Enjoy the show!

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