INTERVIEW | Mom Suparna Dutta on Being Booted From Education Board, Called White Supremacist After Defending Constitution

Published: Feb. 15, 2023, 8 a.m.


Suparna Dutta says she thought the exceptional nature of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence \\u201cwas common sense,\\u201d but her recent experience with the Virginia Board of Education proved otherwise. 

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin appointed Dutta\\u2014a mother, engineer, and Indian immigrant\\u2014to the Virginia Board of Education in July. 

\\u201cI was thrilled and very honored to be appointed by him as a voice of parent advocacy to the board,\\u201d Dutta says. 

But the Virginia state Senate blocked Dutta\\u2019s appointment to the board just one week after she defended the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and criticized socialism and communism during a board meeting. She was even accused of being "aligned with white supremacists" for her views on America\'s founding documents.

The Privileges and Elections Committee of the state Senate originally voted to confirm Dutta to the Virginia Board of Education, but after she defended the founding documents, Democratic state Sen. Ghazala Hashmi introduced an amendment to remove Dutta from the board.

\\u201cI do believe that the founding of this nation was something remarkable,\\u201d Dutta says, adding that \\u201cthe documents that were drawn up, starting with the Declaration of Independence and then the Constitution, first and foremost, put the unalienable rights and our individual freedom first and foremost.\\u201d

Dutta joins \\u201cThe Daily Signal Podcast\\u201d to share her story of being kept off the Virginia Board of Education, and to explain the ways in which woke ideology has influenced school boards and education across the country.

Enjoy the show!

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