President Biden Speaks U.N. General Assembly, Impeachment Inquiry Hearing Set for Next Week, Rep. Chip Roy Introduces Bill To Repeal FACE Act | Sept. 19

Published: Sept. 19, 2023, 10:40 p.m.


TOP NEWS | On today\\u2019s Daily Signal Top News, we break down:

  • President Joe Biden addressed the United Nations general assembly and he called on world leaders to stand in support of Ukraine and against Russia\\u2019s naked aggression. 
  • Next Thursday, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee will hold a hearing on the possible impeachment of President Biden. 
  • The influence of the Chinese Communist Party \\u201cis rampant in America\\u2019s classrooms,\\u201d Rep. Aaron Bean, R-Fla., said Tuesday during a hearing on Capitol Hill. 
  • Mary Margaret Olohan reports that as pro-life activists face prison time brought on by Department of Justices charges, Republican members of Congress are introducing legislation targeting the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances, or the FACE, Act:
  • Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. John Fetterman applauds updated Senate dress code. Eric Teetsel\\u2019s piece:

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