Senate Bill Would Allow Thousands into US Daily, Trans Whistleblower, Terrorists Threaten Italy | Jan. 5

Published: Feb. 5, 2024, 10:03 p.m.


TOP NEWS | On today\\u2019s Daily Signal Top News, we break down:

  • House Speaker Mike Johnson has called the Senate\\u2019s border bill \\u201cworse than expected\\u201d and says it is dead on arrival in the House. 
  • Truckers hold peaceful rally in Texas to demand border security. 
  • A therapist says she was told she had to affirm all teens who were struggling with gender dysphoria.
  • Terrorists are threatening Italy. 
  • Over 70 policy experts, activists, and former lawmakers are demanding the U.S. permanently withdraw all funding to a U.N. aid organization that operates in Palestine.

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