Stand Firm Against That Regime, Florida Lawmaker Says of Cuba Amid Revolt There

Published: July 20, 2021, 7:01 a.m.


Rep. Byron Donalds has signed onto a resolution from fellow Florida Republican Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart condemning the current situation in Cuba.

Donalds says it\\u2019s critical that the United States stand in strong opposition to the violent suppression of mass public protests happening there.

"They said to me, \'Man, it\'s so bad.\' Not only did they shut down the internet, but they were like, \'There was a 12-year-old kid who was in the crowd at the protests. The police, the military police threw him on the ground, hit him with the butt of their gun in the back of his neck, broke his neck. He\'s now paralyzed from the neck down,\'" Donalds said.

"They talked about how people are being told, when the [Cuban] military comes to their door, \'You either come with us, or we\'ll kill you right now.\' These are the things that are occurring on Cuba right now today," the freshman Florida lawmaker said. "And so we as a country, as being the beacon for liberty and freedom on the globe, we have, in my view, a moral obligation to stand firm against that regime."

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