Steve Deace: Fauci, Other COVID 'Authoritarians' Will Face Accountability in 2023

Published: Aug. 31, 2022, 7 a.m.


Dr. Anthony Fauci\'s year-end retirement doesn\\u2019t mean he will avoid congressional oversight and accountability, said Steve Deace, author of \\u201cFaucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History.\\u201d

On Aug. 22, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, or NIAID, and chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden, announced he would retire from the government in December.

\\u201cThere will be meaningful investigations that will uncover meaningful information that especially has to answer the question, after the Obama administration ordered the ending, the ceasing, of gain-of-function research in 2014, by whose authority did it begin again? Where did it start again?\\u201d Deace told "The Daily Signal Podcast.\\u201d

Deace said the lasting lesson from Fauci\\u2019s tenure and \\u201cFaucism" is that "never again can this kind of singular power be placed in an unelected official or an agency that\'s unelected and not directly accountable to the people. Period, end of sentence.\\u201d

The host of "The Steve Deace Show" on BlazeTV anticipates Republicans will control at least one house of Congress in 2023, and that the origins of COVID-19 and how agencies such as the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will be held accountable. 

\\u201cThey won\'t have a lot of meaningful fights, and so they need to, I think, feed the ecosystem something,\\u201d Deace said. \\u201c... They will do some meaningful investigating of NIH; NIAID, that\'s Fauci\'s department; and NIH under, I mean, Francis Collins, what went on in terms of CDC under both Robert Redfield and now Rochelle Walensky.\\u201d

Deace is the co-author of the forthcoming book \\u201cRise of the Fourth Reich: Confronting COVID Fascism With a New Nuremberg Trial, So This Never Happens Again.\\u201d

He predicts Fauci and other public health officials who guided COVID-19 policies will have a legacy of being \\u201cauthoritarians\\u201d for consistently doubling down on ineffective policies. 

\\u201cIt\'s not that they were just doing gain-of-function. They were doing it specifically to measure spillover potential,\\u201d Deace said of the federal funding that found its way to the Wuhan lab in China. \\u201c... They wanted to figure out what would cause one of these viruses to jump from an animal to a human. They were provoking that outcome in the lab. So, it\'s not just how dangerous gain-of-function is, but the functionality they were testing in and of itself was dangerous.\\u201d

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