The Truth About America's Founding and Slavery

Published: Oct. 31, 2019, 7 a.m.


The New York Times\' 1619 Project is the latest attempt from the left to re-tell history. But Dr. Allen Guelzo thinks the Times made some key errors. " The hope of many members of the Constitutional Convention, that slavery could be abolished, was linked to their conviction that the abolition of slavery was simply one more step that needed to be taken to free us from the inheritance of British colonialism and British imperialism," Guelzo, a research scholar at Princeton University says. "The 1619 Project tends to invert that." Guelzo also talks about reparations, capitalism and its role in our history, and more.

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  • A nominee for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals cried when asked about a liberal group suggesting he would not be fair to LGBT people.
  • Rep. Matt Gaetz calls on the House Ethics Committee to investigate Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff.
  • Former President Barack Obama had some harsh words on Tuesday for those who consider themselves \\u201cpolitically woke."

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