26. Steal this Podcast! (ft. Alexander Billet)

Published: Dec. 10, 2020, 5:58 a.m.

b'[Oh the irony that, on an episode about music, the sound quality on this episode is a little gritty due to some recording issues \\u2013 big ups to Jereme for working production magic cleaning up the audio.]\\n\\nIn this episode, we discuss the cultural and technological politics of music and the shadow that Spotify has cast over the industry. As exploitation in the cultural economy accelerates, it\\u2019s become radical to even recognize that artists are also workers. And, as such, we all have a stake in their struggles and solidarities against the platformization of culture.\\n\\nJoining us on this journey into sound, we have Alexander Billet, an editor at Locust Review and contributor to Jacobin, whose work focuses on the intersections of art, music, and politics. Check out Alex\\u2019s essay on Spotify\\u2019s exploitative streaming model: https://jacobinmag.com/2020/12/spotify-streaming-model-exploitation-class-conflict \\nFollow him on twitter: https://twitter.com/UbuPamplemousse.\\n\\nSubscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! patreon.com/thismachinekills\\n\\nHosted by Jathan Sadowski (twitter.com/jathansadowski) and Edward Ongweso Jr. (twitter.com/bigblackjacobin). Production / Music by Jereme Brown (twitter.com/braunestahl).'