Listen Now: Even The Royals

Published: Jan. 23, 2024, 5 a.m.

b'Admit it: you\\u2019re obsessed with royal families \\u2013 watching them, gossiping about them, wanting to be them. It\\u2019s the stuff of fantasy. But for real life royals, the crown jewels can be more like shiny handcuffs. There are expectations and rules \\u2013 and if you break them, the consequences are big, and very public. And no, we\\u2019re not just talking about Harry and Meghan. There are royal families and wild royal tales from around the world and throughout history that you have never heard before. From Wondery comes a new podcast called Even the Royals that will take you inside the cloistered world of royal families, past and present, where wealth and status often come at the expense of your freedom \\u2013 and maybe even your life. This is just a preview of Even the Royals. Listen to the full episode wherever you get your podcasts, or at\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'